Tuesday, February 26, 2008


- One key element that I wanted to emphasize was the “user-friendliness” of the game. I for one am not technically skillful in the complex modern games of today, so I wanted to make a game that even the most basic user can enjoy.

- The technical simplicity of the game will be offset by its incredible gameplay, story, and advanced graphics in order to maintain the more sophisticated audience. This way, I can retain the best of both audiences.

- The platform that I am basing the gameplay on is from the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King game for Xbox, Playstation 2, and Gamecube. What intrigued me the most about the game was the fact that it steered away from the first person shooter genre and allowed for hand to hand combat. This factor, plus the incredible story line, is what I intend to match and hopefully excel past.

- Also, I felt that it was important to include the widest range of players because I didn’t want to exclude somebody who wanted to play the game; for instance, the Halo trilogy. That is why I designed the game to fit both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 units.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Robin Hood the game is a third person adventure game that takes the player through the Prince of Thieves version of Robin Hood. The gaming platforms that will carry this game are XBOX 360 and Playstation 3.


The tutorial level, which is the first level of the game, begins inside of a prison in the heart of Jerusalem. There, Robin must escape his shackles and lead a band of prisoners to safety. Among these prisoners is Azeem the Muslim warrior, and Peter, Robins’ best friend throughout the crusades. This level will teach the player the various controls, commands, and actions of Robin Hood.


Robin Hood’s main weapon is his sword. The player can earn points by using various combinations. Harder combinations will yield more points. The points can earn the player increasingly harder and more deadly combinations, skills, and weapons as he/she progresses through the game. Such weapons include a better sword, better armor, and a better bow. As the player acquires more points the level of weaponry (which is located in the bottom left) increases.


The secondary weapon, which gives Robin his advantage in battle, is his bow. His experience in the Crusades has given him the upper hand against his enemies. Once selected, the bow can fire an arrow at varying distances and speeds depending on the aim of the player and the amount of time the player holds the fire button. Arrows are limited, so the player must locate other arrows as he/she progresses through the level.

The character can perform various actions as well. Such actions include opening a door, or speaking to another character. Through this “action” control, Robin will also be able to ride horses, drive carriages, control catapults, and perform other useful skills.


Although tough, even the most lethal warriors get hurt. Robin’s health bar, which is located on the bottom right hand side of the screen, declines as robin gets struck, shot at, or knocked off his feet by shockwaves. Health can be restored by eating food found throughout each level. Such food includes apples and bread. Baskets of food give Robin more health than a singular item.


There will be a total of fifteen levels. Each level will be followed by a short animated segment of story. Not wanting to deviate from the original film, the game’s story will follow the movie’s story closely. The only difference is that six of the fifteen levels will take place during Robin’s experience in the Crusades. At certain points in the story Robin will begin to have flashbacks of his time in the Crusades. These levels are meant to heighten the excitement of the game, and they will introduce Robin’s relationship with his best friend Peter


All of the same characters and settings from the movie will be transferred to the game, although some of the levels will embellish and fill in the gaps of the movie. The enemies that Robin and his clan will fight are the knights of Nottingham and the Barbarian mercenaries from the North. Just as in most games, there will be varying levels of difficulty in terms of killing an enemy. And there will be bosses at the end of certain key levels including the final battle between Robin and the evil Sheriff.